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Outwell Silicone Folding Washing Up Bowl

Last checked price £12.95


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There is nothing more frustrating, after enjoying a meal in the great outdoors, than to find that you have to pack your dirty dishes, plates, mugs, knives, forks, spoons and suchlike into a plastic bag because there are no on-hand facilities where you can wash them up.

You will, therefore, be delighted to know that help is at hand in the shape of an ingenious Silicone Folding Washing up Bowl. Made out of silicone and plastic it folds completely flat when not in use; it is break resistant; easy to clean; and opens up in a matter of seconds, a great camping accessory!

Just another item that helps to ease the problems so often associated with camping out and makes life so much simpler and hassle-free. One word of caution: do be careful that you remember to pour out the water before you try to fold the bowl back down to pack away, otherwise you may find it puts a bit of a damper on the proceedings!

38cm x 28cm x 12cm